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Seth Rogen Gave a Refreshing Opinion About Marvel Movies

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | February 2, 2023 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | February 2, 2023 |


I know what you’re thinking, “Oh great, Seth Rogen probably loves Marvel movies and now Mike isn’t going to shut up about it.” Wrong! He’s actually not a fan. In fact, he thinks they’re “geared for kids” and not for him as “someone who doesn’t have children.” Sure, that’s close to the condescending rants of obnoxious Film Bros and Bro-ettes who call them “baby movies for babies,” but the difference is Rogen isn’t a dick about it. It’s an honest and fair critique. These things aren’t for everybody, which is fine. Sure, he runs a TV show that ruthlessly skewers the whole genre and its fan culture, but that comes from a long love of comics and how books like The Boys can have a goddamn blast with that landscape. (Total Film)

Gisele Bundchen’s comment on Tom Brady’s retirement is perfectly shady. (Lainey Gossip)

Taylor Lautner — Hey, remember him? — regrets not stepping in to stop Kanye West when he infamously interrupted Taylor Swift during her 2009 VMAs speech. (Dlisted)

Charles will not replace mummy on Australia’s currency. (Celebitchy)

From Tori: Contestants of real-life Squid Game complain that it is just as miserable and manipulative as the fictional Squid Game. (Rolling Stone)

Everyone is freaking out about a Chinese spy balloon even though the Pentagon is like, “Relax. This happens all of the time. We’re not even going to bother to shoot it down, and we love shooting shit down.” (Gizmodo)

Hunter Biden is going on the offensive. (Mediaite)

From Roxana: Oh damn. German prosecutors claim a woman killed a lookalike to fake her own death. (The Guardian)

James Cameron finally admits Jack could’ve fit on that door. (Variety)

Gillian Anderson would like your sex fantasies, ladies. (CNN)

From Andrew: Okay I like TikTok now. (TikTok)

Did you hear about Brandon Sanderson’s Kickstarter campaign that broke all the records? Postcardsandbooks woke up on the 1st day of the year to the first of Sanderson’s secret projects, Tress of the Emerald Sea. "This simultaneously felt nothing like Sanderson’s writing and exactly like a Sanderson story." (Cannonball Read 15)