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Let the Jon Hamm Is Doctor Doom Rumors Begin

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | November 26, 2023 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | November 26, 2023 |


As a dork who spends his time drowning in headlines from the moment I wake up until I fall asleep at night, online rumors are constantly pinging my radar. One such rumor that picked up steam this weekend is that Jon Hamm could be the new Doctor Doom, a character Marvel is reportedly hoping will make everyone forget about the whole Kang/Jonathan Majors business. Until today, I thought the Doctor Doom business was simply rumor-mongers making hay out of Hamm doing a 180 and expressing his desire to join the MCU after trashing superhero movies while promoting Top Gun: Maverick. Nope! Turns out the Hamm-bone is out here tossing his hat in the Doctor Doom ring, and you know what? I’m not hating it. I can see it working. Henry Cavill has been my top pick for a while, but there are worse choices than Don Draper. (THR)

Diddy is not the only problematic, abusive man in hip-hop, and we need to talk about it. (Lainey Gossip)

And maybe save room for Jamie Foxx on that list. Dude… (Celebitchy)

Some insufficient words about Steven Sondheim. (Wonkette)

From Jen: The 2023 Comedy Wildlife Photo Award winners have been revealed. (CNN)

In an infuriating move that sadly too many women can relate to, Selma Blair reveals that her multiple sclerosis was misdiagnosed as menstrual issues for years. (Vulture)

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, which I hear delightful things about, is probably not going to have a Season 2. (Deadline)

From Roxana: Super Yaki put out a The Nice Guys shirt, which is… nice. Sorry! (Super Yaki)

Bradley Cooper would do The Hangover 4 in an “instant.” (Variety)

We’re supposed to believe there was a bidding war over a comedy movie starring Kim Kardashian, a person everyone thinks of when you mention comedy. And movies. (TMZ)

From Seth: This is amazing, and somehow better than Secret Invasion. (TikTok)

Monty highly recommends Steven Erikson’s The Bonehunters, but says you need to read the first five books of the Malazan Book of the Fallen series first. “But if you have the time, and are craving a ‘hard’ fantasy book, this is one of the best series published in the last 25 years.” Which long-running series do you think is worth the time? (Cannonball Read 15)