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Kristen Stewart Will Never Make an ‘Algorithmic’ Marvel Movie

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | March 28, 2024 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | March 28, 2024 |


Kristen Stewart has shared her thoughts on whether she’d ever star in a Marvel movie, and it’s gonna be a hard pass. Well, almost a hard pass because there is one very specific scenario that could entice her. (Variety)

What will it take for Justin Timberlake to reclaim relevance as his new album generates little cultural interest? (Lainey Gossip)

Joe Lieberman didn’t leave Earth, Earth left him. (Wonkette)

Mike Ryan’s final interview at Uproxx is with Annie Potts, and it is delightful. (Uproxx)

From Jen: Well, this was only a matter of time after the rebrand. (Bloomberg)

Keanu Reeves says being with Alexandra Grant is the “most fun and positive relationship” he’s ever had. (PEOPLE)

Kim Kardashian is being sued for selling allegedly fake furniture. (Vulture)

Hahaha, yeah, I’m sure that’s why Tom Cruise broke up with her. Ok, buddy, lmao. (Page Six)

So you know how whenever someone justifiably complains about the movie theater experience being garbage and someone inevitably chimes in about how Alamo Drafthouse is so great? About that. (The Wrap)

Larry David went scorched earth on Trump. (Mediaite)

Steven Spielberg is completely Dune-pilled. (A.V. Club)

A mention in Terry Pratchett’s The Long Earth prompted Katie to look for Dorothy Hartley’s 1954 opus, Food in England. “Put simply, this book is the first and last word on absolutely everything to do with traditional English (and British) cooking.” Which cuisine do you want to know more about? (Cannonball Read 16)