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Joshua Jackson and Lupita Nyong'o Are Now Holding Hands Official

By Lainey Bobainey | Pajiba Love | December 7, 2023 |

By Lainey Bobainey | Pajiba Love | December 7, 2023 |


Joshua Jackson and Lupita Nyong’o have done more than go to a grocery store together (studio audience “oooooohhhhhh”). - (Celebitchy)

A lot is going on in the celebrity social media round-up today. - (Lainey Gossip)

From Mike (who has a much-deserved night off!): And this is why women do not come forward. - (The Daily Beast)

Father of ten children, and really, one of the most moral men ever, has decreed that couples who choose to not have children (DINKS) are immoral. Cool story, Elon. - (BI)

I have no great love for Twitter/X and won’t really miss it when it’s gone except for stuff like this. How will the collective we get answers to questions that have bugged us forever when the answer just isn’t available anywhere else online? - (TMS)

80-year-old Chevy Chase showed up in a wheelchair for a Christmas Vacation event, and then walked off the edge of the stage. - (Page Six)

There are so many great looks from The Color Purple premiere but I think Quinta’s is slightly my favorite. - (GFY)

Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2024 is much more subdued than 2023’s. It’s fine? - (R29)

I have this same blind spot when it comes to people’s kids. Like just the other day, one of my Facebook friends posted that her daughter was turning 29, but that isn’t possible because her daughter is barely 15. Foooorrrrrrrreeevvvver. - (New Yorker)

Wait, babysitters make how much per hour now? Hmm, maybe I need to start rethinking this Pajiba gig… - (SM)

Looking to get your seasonal spirit on? Try this simple trick: add “under the mistletoe” to any book title, and see if that adds some extra ho-ho-ho to your holidays. Go share your favorites over at Cannonball Read’s group blog today. (Cannonball Read 15)

Teddy <3