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Henry Cavill’s ‘Highlander’ Reboot Has Felt the Quickening

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | October 29, 2023 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | October 29, 2023 |


After seemingly falling off the face of the planet, the Highlander reboot starring Henry Cavill is reportedly back to life and plowing full steam ahead. I’m going to be upfront, you’re reading about this right now because there is a surprisingly massive amount of interest in this project. I try to gauge these headlines by what has the most juice/hasn’t already been hit, and somehow, it’s this? Most likely because of Cavill, but possibly because everyone wants to hear that absolutely slamming Queen song again. And it better have that song, or we goddamn riot. You hear me, Cavill?! (Deadline)

Sarah dives into why the hell the NYPD still went ahead and arrested Jonathan Majors’s alleged victim Grace Jabbari despite knowing full well the DA’s office isn’t going to charge her. (Lainey Gossip)

Speaking of Majors, Magazine Dreams has been completely pulled from Disney’s release schedule, which probably isn’t a great sign for his Marvel future. (Variety)

Taylor Swift is not here for people sexualizing her female friendships. (Celebitchy)

From Andrew: Just in time for Halloween, Andrew’s short religious/horror film Pay The Tithe is now available to watch from home! “Four friends, gathered at a house in the woods, take in a wounded priest who shows up on their doorstep. Then, as he turns the friends against each other, his wound mysteriously begins to heal.” (Vimeo)

Daredevil has a new showrunner and directors already. (THR)

Today I learned that James Blunt was best friends with Carrie Fisher, and her daughter Billie Lourd blames him for her death because he encouraged her addiction by taking drugs with her. Freaking yikes. (The Daily Beast)

The NRA is rapidly bleeding funds. Good! (Wonkette)

From Jen: What scares Jordan Peele? (The Atlantic)

Richard Dreyfuss says Steven Spielberg is a crappy friend. (A.V. Club)

Mike Pence is out of the 2024 race if anyone cares. (Mediaite)

Cannon Fodder, Cannonball Read’s monthly newsletter went out Friday with a lot of great stuff including the review that got mswas started on a new mystery series this year. Sign up today to keep in touch with one of our favorite nonprofits. (Cannonball Read 15)

From Andrew: