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Gov. Kristi Noem Admits to 'Executing' Her Puppy: 'I Hated That Dog'

By Dustin Rowles | Pajiba Love | April 27, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | Pajiba Love | April 27, 2024 |


Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota “executed” her puppy and a goat to boot, wrote about it in her memoir, and is now defending herself. There are people online saying that this is the end of her political career, but I don’t know. When it comes to politics, there is no bottom, not even puppy killing (see also: The Huckabees). (NYT)

Jerry Seinfeld says he’s probably done making stand-up specials, and even though he’s turning 70, he doesn’t like old people. (The Daily Beast)

Tori Spelling says she remained married longer than she wanted because she didn’t want to make her husband feel emasculated. (LaineyGossip)

I guess Chris Pine is in his Jeff Bridges stage. It’s a lot. (GFY)

Lewis Black thinks the drama over The Daily Show host is overblown because the show is mostly about the writers, anyway. (Latenighter)

I had no idea that Rose McIver was pregnant. Ghosts is doing a great job of hiding it. Here’s how. (US)

Nate Silver has thoughts on student protestors, and if there’s anyone whose opinion on student protestors does not matter at all, it’s Nate Silver. (Splinter)

Pauly Shore is trying to regain some relevance by playing Richard Simmons in a biopic. The problem? Richard Simmons doesn’t want it. (THR)

Anne Hathway is teasing the possibility of a Princess Diaries 3. (Collider)

Olivia Colman unfortunately will not appear in season three of Heartstopper due to scheduling conflicts, sadly. But the upside is that Hayley Atwell has been added to the cast. (The Mary Sue)

The Former Guy’s whiny birthday shoutout to Melania speaks volumes. (NickiSwift)

From Chris: Heavy metal is cool and all, but have you heard of Kindercore? (Instagram)

From Emma: Okay but this is the song of the summer. (YouTube)

From Petr: Nice of climate change to do us a small favour at least. (Business Insider (paywall))

Also from Chris: This tech billionaire, who’s revered in the VC community despite being often wrong about things like bitcoin, is suggesting leaders of the tech industry “exit democracy” and start their own sovereign plutocratic nations that he envisions as a discount Brave New World hierarchy where everyone is sorted by color. Also: plans to “ethnically cleanse” San Francisco. (TNR)