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Gal Gadot Confirms Joss Whedon Threatened Her Career While Filming 'Justice League'

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | May 9, 2021 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | May 9, 2021 |


If you want more evidence that Joss Whedon is toast, Gal Gadot has now publicly confirmed reports that Whedon threatened her career while filming Justice League. According to Gadot, Whedon told her “you should just be pretty and say your lines,” and she shut that sh*t down “on the spot.” (THR)

Lewis Hamilton and F1 are suddenly way more interesting to Lainey after watching Netflix’s Drive to Survive. (Lainey Gossip)

RIP the absolutely iconic Tawny Kitaen. (Dlisted)

Kim Kardashian swears she didn’t buy those stolen antiquities, you guys. (Celebitchy)

From Kaleena: Sebastian Stan giving us all a sneak peek of him and an unrecognizable Lily James as Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson:

And there’s already a new “Central Park Karen” trying to get Black people killed by the police. Of course. (The Root)

From Kristy: Give this a Pulitzer. An oral history of Tom Holland’s sensational “Lip Sync Battle” performance. (Insider)

The latest issue of Kayleigh’s newsletter, the Gossip Reading Club, is live. The theme is Chris Evans and a chaotic 2011 GQ profile that immediately became gossip history. (The Gossip Reading Club)

From Andrew: I think we’ll all be better off if Dune takes a lesson from this fan edit:

From Roxana: Back in March, food writer Alicia Kennedy spoke with Palestinian-Syrian chef and activist Reem Assil about colonialism, cuisine, and capitalism. Given the escalation of Israeli government attacks on Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah this past week in the final days of Ramadan, Kennedy made the conversation (once available only to her subscribers) public for all. (Alicia Kennedy)

Lakeith Stanfield has issued an apology after moderating a Clubhouse room that veered into wild anti-semitism. And while it’s good he’s apologized, this is is not the first time Stanfield has stepped in sh*t on social media. It’s starting to become a habit. (People)

Is everyone sitting down for this? Gwyneth Paltrow — the Gwyneth Paltrow — ate bread during the quarantine. We’re all gonna die. (Jezebel)

Usually, The Mama likes the predictability of Nora Roberts’ books. "You know the characters, you know pretty much what’s going to happen, the details don’t exactly matter because the basic framework is kind of the same, it’s perfect for hour increments while you’re supposed to be doing something else." For some reason, though, Hideaway didn’t work for her. Which authors do you value because you know what you’re going to get? (Cannonball Read 13)

And, finally, a heartwearming Mother’s Day tale about how Lauren Boebert is convinced she’s the daughter of a pro wrestler who also happens to be her mom’s first cousin. USA!