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Don’t Let Dave Chappelle Whine About Cancel Culture Ever Again

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | February 5, 2023 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | February 5, 2023 |


So remember when there was a huge protest about Dave Chappelle’s transphobic comedy special, The Closer, and he went around b*tching to high heaven about cancel culture? He just won a Grammy for that special, so he can shut up for a while. (THR)

Wait. That’s Shania Twain?! (Lainey Gossip)

The woman who claims she took Prince Harry’s virginity has things to say. (Dlisted)

Fun fact: Goop was supposed to be in How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days, and Kate Hudson only got the part after she backed out. (Celebitchy)

From James: Veteran TV actor Jim Beaver opens up about his cancer treatment. (mySA)

Nick Offerman’s goddamn outstanding performance in The Last of Us wouldn’t have happened if Megan Mullally didn’t convince him to take the part. (EW)

Tyre Nichols wasn’t murdered because of “affirmative action.” (The Watch)

Paris Hilton showing up to an event after another woman literally birthed a baby for her doesn’t really seem like a noteworthy event, but ok. (Page Six)

From Jen: Russian photographer captures cutest squirrel photo ever. (Bored Panda)

Ed Brubaker’s Criminal is becoming an Amazon series. Oh hell yes. (Gizmodo)

Get me a man who… murdered four co-eds in cold blood? Lady, what?! (PennLive)

Llamareadsbooks has been reading a lot of webtoons lately. LambCat’s Cursed Princess Club Volume 1 has engaging artwork, and it has llamas! "This is a silly and sweet graphic novel that gleefully subverts the usual fairy tale tropes." Do you have a favorite webtoon to recommend? (Cannonball Read 15)