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DC's Troubled 'The Flash' Movie Has an Unexpected Champion

By Lainey Bobainey | Pajiba Love | March 18, 2023 |

By Lainey Bobainey | Pajiba Love | March 18, 2023 |


The always-wonderful Lance Reddick has left us far too soon. He will be missed. - (People)

Roxana has written a spectacular appreciation about Reddick. “Lance Reddick was an actor of such precision, both physical and emotional, that every little adjustment made in character was a purposeful piece of a coherent whole.” (Vulture)

There has to be more to this sudden Law Roach retirement, right? I mean, right? - (LG)

Under normal circumstances, I’m not fond of our US prison system or its internal punishments. I’m willing, however, to look the other way when it comes to this Duggar asshole. Enjoy your solitary time, Josh. Lots of time for you to pray, right? - (Dlisted)

Ezra Miller has had a lot of problems, but the reason they haven’t gotten The Flash canceled is that — as James Gunn has said — it’s “probably one of the greatest superhero movies ever made.” Now it has an unexpected champion in, of all people, Tom Cruise. He recently had a private screening and loved it so much that he cold-called director Andy Muschietti, to rave about it. (THR)

I’m really gonna’ need Florida Republicans to just shut up and stop introducing dumber and dumber bills restricting the rights of everyone who isn’t a straight, white cis-male. It’s getting embarrassing. - (WP)

Splendid headline; no notes. “Jamie Lee Curtis put her they/them Oscar next to her butt plug” - (AVC)

Even the tiny, beautiful Godtopus octopuses are deadly in Australia. - (Newsweek)

If more people looked like Melanie Lynskey on screen, there are several of us who work for this website who would get very little done. That’s not a complaint. - (Celebitchy)

Michael Cinco has some devastatingly gorgeous looks here. This one is my favorite. - (GFY)

Van Leeuwen (purveyors of actual quality ice cream in legitimately tasty flavors, and then abominations like Pizza, Mac & Cheese, and godforsaken MUSTARD!) is back again with a Hidden Valley Ranch ice cream. If you’re nursing a St. Paddy’s hangover, maybe don’t read this one. - (PS)

As someone without kids, I’m really fascinated by what these 8 and 9-year-olds remember about their kindergarten year amid the pandemic. - (Romper)

Ah, yes, another reason why I’ll continue to be an indoors kind of girl! - (NBC)

Debatable Motivations Inspire the Adventures of Biking Sloths and Raging Cats in Ravi Zupa’s Illustrations - (Colossal)

His plop is perfect!