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Dave Grohl Already Hired a Divorce Lawyer

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | September 11, 2024 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | September 11, 2024 |


Welp, it’s all coming out now. Before dropping the bombshell news that he fathered a love child, Dave Grohl reportedly hired a divorce lawyer, so I’m guessing he is not trying to win back his family’s trust and forgiveness. Or at least his wife’s. (PEOPLE)

Everyone took a hard pass on Blake Lively’s floral fashion push, which is usually what happens when you try to promote fun outfits with domestic violence. (Lainey Gossip)

Brad Pitt and Ines de Ramon have been blatantly pap-strolling. (Celebitchy)

It’s not just that Kamala Harris called Trump a starf*cker for dictators. It’s how she did it. (Wonkette)

Jon Bon Jovi helped save a woman who almost jumped off a bridge. (Daily Beast)

From Dustin: A Taylor Swift endorsement has an actual, quantifiable impact. (CBS New)

Halle Berry is “eternally miffed” that she’s the only Black woman to win an Oscar for Best Actress. (Rolling Stone)

From Jen: Here comes River Song. (Instagram)

Who is paying $140 for a Jonathan Majors autograph? (THR)

From Roxana: This was, as always, insane. “My family knew that my father had been tapping the phone lines. Only later would I discover the secrets the recordings contained.” (The Cut)

Will Ferrell regrets his Janet Reno impression. (Deadline)

KimMiE” gave John Scalzi’s comedy sci-fi, Starter Villain, 5 stars because of joy. “This novel made me feel good about the world, and that’s no small accomplishment.” What book has given you joy recently? (Cannonball Read 16)

From Andrew:

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