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Cardi B Didn't Start the Throwing War, but She'll End It

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | July 30, 2023 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | July 30, 2023 |


There’s been a rash of fans throwing objects at performers on stage lately, and Cardi B is not having it. During a Saturday night performance in Vegas, a fan threw a cup at her, and she responded by whipping a microphone at his dumb ass before flagging security to haul him out. This is the second time she’s done this, and presumably, microphone throwings will continue until behavior improves. (Variety)

PEOPLE’s Brad Pitt headline about his love life is an attempt to deflect from the probability that he is a scab. (Lainey Gossip)

We’re now supposed to believe Ariana Grande and Ethan Slater haven’t seen each other “for days.” OK, sure. (Celebitchy)

Middle-earth belongs to Lizzo now. (The Mary Sue)

From Roxana: As the strike stretches on, 19 writers, actors, and crew members shared their hopes, fears, frustrations — and salaries. (Vulture)

Elizabeth Banks felt “pigeon-holed” by the marketing for Charlie’s Angels. (IndieWire)

Starting a decade ago, Tesla reportedly rigged the dashboard readouts on its cars to make it look like drivers could travel way farther than they really could before needing a readout. When people started to notice, Elon Musk reportedly insisted on the creation of a special team that canceled the customer service appointments that were flooding in. (Reuters)

Relatedly, Kanye West has been reinstated on Twitter, the social media platform that will forever be known as Twitter. (Rolling Stone)

From Jen: Shut up, Oliver Stone. (Deadline)

The wrath of Goodreads. (The Atlantic)

Sony is seriously going to pretend that the strikes are the reason why Beyond the Spider-Verse needs to be delayed and not reports that animators quit in droves after being treated like sh*t. (A.V. Club)

Cannonball Read is going to host another Banned and Challenged-themed book discussion on October 6-7, 2023 during the American Library Associations’s Banned Books Week. They’ve chosen to focus on 3 graphic novels: Gender Queer, Class Act, and This One Summer. Have you read any of the selections? (Cannonball Read 15)

From Andrew: I’ve watched this at least ten times since I found it yesterday:

@kylegordonisgreat Planet of the Bass (feat. DJ Crazy Times & Ms. Biljana Electronica) #djcrazytimes #eurodance #90s #dancemusic #edm #funny #funnyvideos #funnytiktok ♬ Planet of the Bass (feat. DJ Crazy Times & Ms. Biljana Electronica) - Kyle Gordon