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Britney Spears Is Done Performing After, Well, Everything

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | September 12, 2022 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | September 12, 2022 |


After “allegedly” being drugged like a circus bear and shoved onstage by her dad for over a decade, Britney Spears has announced she’ll probably never perform again. And you know what? Good for her. At the very least, she deserves to ride off into the sunset with the money she had to claw back from her own family. Post nudes, make babies, live that life. Your watch has ended, Britney. (TMZ)

Leonardo DiCaprio is predictably skulking around Fashion Week for the next victim on Under 25 Island. (Lainey Gossip)

Ray J claims he made three sex tapes with Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner picked which one to release. So the legends are true… (Dlisted)

New York had to declare a state of emergency for polio. In the year 2022. Thanks, anti-vaxxers! (Celebitchy)

It turns out Harry Styles is really bad at acting. (Daily Beast)

If you see Brie Larson, tell her she’s a good Captain Marvel. (Vulture)

John Oliver slams Law & Order. (Deadline)

Trump asked his Diet Coke valet how to overturn the election. (Rolling Stone)

From Petr: So obvious yet so effective.

Disney getting into sports betting? What could go wrong? (Bloomberg)

After Batgirl, Brendan Fraser is done working with streamers. (Gizmodo)

The 1995 Gargoyles game is getting a remaster. Hell yeah. (Kotaku)

Are you getting ready for Cannonball Read’s Cannon Book Club on Friday and Saturday? Esmemoria is ready to talk about Angie Thomas’ frequently challenged The Hate U Give. "This book is horrifyingly relevant over and over and over. But it is also a book of hope-about, as Thomas puts it, using your voice as a weapon to fight injustice." (Cannonball Read 14)