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Ariana Grande Wants To Dine With… Jeffrey Dahmer? OK

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | June 27, 2024 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | June 27, 2024 |


Programming Note: Pajiba Love is coming at you early tonight because we will have an open thread for everyone to go nuts over this evening’s presidential debate. Provided Donald Trump actually shows up. You would think it’s too late for him to back out now, but who the hell knows with that guy?

Ariana Grande is in some understandable sh*t after naming Jeffrey Dahmer as her “dream dinner date.” Needless to say, the families of his victims were not thrilled. (Celebitchy)

Lupita Nyong’o cries beautifully while eating wings on Hot Ones to promote A Quiet Place: Day One. (Lainey Gossip)

Is Joe Biden chopping up kids with a hatchet? The NYT is just askin’. (Wonkette)

From Andrew: I hope Martin Short does 100 more of these. (YouTube)

Sarah Michelle Gellar has joined the Dexter prequel series. (TVLine)

From Jen: Snoop should narrate more of life in general. (Threads)

Jesus Christ, Michael Lohan and Kate Major are still going at it? (Page Six)

From Tori: BRB gonna go flip off a Super Trooper. (Vermont Public)

No one should be as good as Antony Starr is at being Homelander. (Polygon)

Faintingviolet requested author and illustrator Henry James Garrett’s This Book Will Make You Kinder: An Empathy Handbook from the library because, “a book that unpacks what kindness is, and its relationship to empathy and metaethics from a philosophical point of view sounded good to me since I’m on the lookout for ideas on how to apply more empathy to everyday life.” What’s something kind you have done, or had done for you? (Cannonball Read 16)

From Nate:

JIMINY GLICK: Now you, you, you, you—your cars, they tend to run over pedestrians. Or else BURST into flames. ha HA isn't that wonderful!
ELON MUSK: *the least convincing laugh of all time*
GLICK: *tucking his legs under himself* You bought a website where no one likes you. Why?

— Willie Fitzgerald ( Jul 3, 2023 at 10:16 AM