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Pajiba 10 For Your Consideration: Miguel Ángel Silvestre

By Genevieve Burgess | Pajiba 10 | June 28, 2017 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Pajiba 10 | June 28, 2017 |

I really don’t have to explain this pick to anyone who watches Sense8. If you’ve somehow managed to get through more than two episodes of that show without falling at least a little in love with Lito, and by extension Miguel Ángel Silvestre, then I don’t know if you’re actually human. First of all, he’s incredibly handsome. Like, stunningly so. But more than his looks, what really got me on his side was this scene where he’s channeling Sun’s menstrual cramps and mood swings.

The Spanish actor was originally a tennis player and won a Mister Castelló pageant in 2002. Which he obviously should’ve because, c’mon, look at him:

If there was ever a live-action Archer movie he’d be a shoe-in. The accent would be hard to work around, but I think the trade-off is worth it for that jawline. These days he’s keeping in shape with some new hobbies:

Oh, did I mention yet that he’s friends with other Pajiba favorite, Pedro Pascal?

Lito steals Oberyn's hat. #gameofthrones #sense8 Lito le roba la gorra a Oberyn! #narcosseason3

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But really, I think that Sense8 displayed his beauty to its fullest effect. Often with a hand from his on-screen partner Alfonso Herrera. Like this scene where they go for a frolic in the ocean wearing the least amount of clothing legally allowed on most beaches.

Sense8 may be gone from our screens but it will never be gone from our hearts. Or minds. Or other parts. And Miguel Ángel Silvestre is personally responsible for an awful lot of those fond feelings. He deserves a place on your Pajiba 10.

📷 #mark&donat @miguel_barbera

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