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Pajiba 10 For Your Consideration: Seth Meyers

By Lainey Bobainey | Pajiba 10 | June 29, 2017 |

By Lainey Bobainey | Pajiba 10 | June 29, 2017 |

I had originally planned to write about Ricky Whittle (Shadow Moon from American Gods) as my FYC nominee, but look at him:
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This is not a man who needs anyone to talk people into finding him attractive. I mean, not only does he look like that, he has a British accent, so he’s good. He doesn’t need any help for the Pajiba 10.

Instead, I’m going to direct your attention to Seth Meyers for A Closer Look:


In addition to having darling dimples and an easy smile, he has soulful downturned eyes that sparkle and gleam as he’s thinking of the perfect clever rejoinder.

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He’s wicked smaht, witty and so very quick, but dissolves into laughter over the goofiest bit.

He doesn’t take himself too seriously. But he takes serious subjects and makes them hilarious and palatable.

Seth Meyers’s delivery of snappy criticism and verbal smacks to Donald Trump and his vile cadre of enablers is just. so. satisfying.

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I find myself looking forward to the A Closer Look segment far more than any of the guests who are booked, although Seth is a fun interviewer too. He’s engaged and engaging, as he is here with the Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Pete Buttigieg.

Since the election of President* Trump, Seth has become the best part of so many days that are filled with despair and clenched teeth. I go to bed each night after watching Seth smack down Washington politicians and I know that while our government may not be looking out for us, Seth still is.

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