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The Official Response to 'Skeleton Crew' Season 2 Is Not Encouraging

By Mike Redmond | News | January 16, 2025 |

Header Image Source: Lucasfilm

The Skeleton Crew finale slammed into Disney+ this week, garnering rave reviews from even me, Captain Cranky. While the Star Wars and Goonies mashup told a complete story, it did leave the door wide open for Season 2. However, Disney has not pulled the trigger despite the show coming to a close with a wave of goodwill at its back.

As I’ve noted in my reviews, and TVLine cited after the finale, Skeleton Crew has not been charting on Nielsen, nor has Disney issued press releases touting the show’s numbers. There’s a good chance that Skeleton Crew has even lower views than The Acolyte, but Neel and the gang do have one thing going for them: Their show was much less expensive.

Naturally, anyone who watched the Skeleton Crew finale noticed that the characters are primed for more adventures. Here’s what series creator Jon Watts told Entertainment Weekly when asked about Season 2, and it’s not great:

We haven’t gotten deep into those conversations. I live in New York, Ford’s in Oakland, but everyone that we work with the show on is essentially in Los Angeles and dealing with real life right now. So in terms of what we’re doing next, we’re excited to talk to everyone, but obviously everyone has their hands full right now dealing with the tragedies of the fires. But we’re excited. We’re happy that people are finding the show as well. We’ve slowly been building viewers over each episode, so that’s a really exciting thing to watch that grow, and the word of mouth has been really positive. So we’re excited to get back together with everyone and talk about the future soon.

Just to be clear, that was Jon Watts blaming the LA fires for the lack of a Season 2 renewal. Fires that only started just last week. I don’t want to minimize the tragedy, but this is giving very “college student forgot to write an essay” vibes. Uh, yeah, we were going to totally renew the show, but then the fire ate my homework.

If Disney was going to renew this show, they would’ve spiked that football yesterday or even today. Those talks would have already happened, and Watts seems to acknowledge the biggest hurdle: Not a lot of people are watching. However, he also reveals that the audience has been building, which I’ve seen in my anecdotal evidence. Is it enough to secure a Season 2 renewal? The fact that hasn’t already happened is not great, but we could see a rare instance where post-finale momentum seals the deal.

Should this show have been a movie that probably would’ve put up some solid blockbuster numbers? You bet, and I guarantee that discussion is happening. There’s a reason why there are no new Star Wars shows in the pipeline after Andor Season 2: Cash is being left on the table.