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When the Lake of the Ozarks and 'Ozark' Meet in a Pandemic Fueled Nightmare

By Dustin Rowles | News | May 24, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | News | May 24, 2020 |


In Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri this Memorial Day weekend, crowds gathered at Backwater Jacks Bar & Grill for a “Zero Ducks Given Pool Party,” where revelers apparently got together to expose each other to enough virus to eventually kill their grandparents. The images are intense, and for those who have been strictly social distancing for the last three months, it’s kind of like looking into the sun after living in a bunker.

“When we walked up my first words were ‘oh my gosh’ it was intense for sure!! Social distancing was nonexistent. However everyone was enjoying themselves. It was a very carefree environment but security was heavy!!” a customer wrote to CNN. “They checked all of our temps and had thousands of little bottles of hand sanitizer!! They did a good job with what they had to work with!!”

Umm hmmm. I’m sure that hand sanitizer will be very helpful for scenes like these:

In any respect, with a party like this set in Lake of the Ozarks, it was only a matter of time before Marty Byrde — the character played by Jason Bateman on Netflix’s Ozark — started to trend.

Related: In neighboring Arkansas yesterday, the Governor announced that an outbreak of Covid-19 originated at a … high school pool party.