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Vin Diesel Will Heal Los Angeles With 'Fast X2' or Whatever It's Called

By Mike Redmond | News | January 24, 2025 |

Header Image Source: Getty

California was recently ravaged by a particularly devastating string of wildfires aided by high winds that left an almost apocalyptic path of destruction. In fact, as of this writing, the threat still isn’t completely over as 16,200 residents were forced to evacuate yesterday. It’s been a sobering and heart-breaking disaster, but thankfully, someone in Hollywood is stepping up.

As homes burn in the background, Vin Diesel wants Los Angeles to know that he has exactly what the city needs. And, no, it’s not money, food, or shelter. Why do people keep saying that? It’s the return of the Fast & Furious franchise to the streets where it all began! Haha, money. Get outta here.

Via Instagram:

Last week, during the fires that displaced LA … my sister Jordana reached out to me and said … Please have Universal film the rest of Fast X Part 2 in LA. Los Angeles needs it now more than ever … Los Angeles is where Fast and Furious started filming 25 years ago … and now Fast will finally return home. All love …

In all seriousness, I made the mistake of watching Fast X, so this is basically terrorism even without getting into the wildly tone-deaf message. No one should threaten any populace like this, and obviously, that goes double for one that’s still smoldering.

Imagine having the ego to wake up one morning, see thousands of folks without a home, and think to yourself: Watching cars go vroom will make this all better. Unless Vin Diesel looking like an expressionless potato that somehow utters the word “family” through a mouthful of rocks magically rebuilds entire neighborhoods, he needs to sit down and quietly cut checks. Lots and lots of checks.

Just to prove this is real, even though I’m sure there were very few doubts about its authenticity, you can see Vin’s post below: