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The Kids in The Hall Could Be Getting a New Comedy Show

By Kate Hudson | News | August 23, 2018 |

By Kate Hudson | News | August 23, 2018 |


Kevin McDonald, he of Sir Simon Milligan fame, recently got our collective hopes up by indicating that the Kids in the Hall are open to a new comedy show on a streaming service.

The Kids in the Hall co-founder and actor Kevin McDonald said there are talks about the crew doing six new episodes.

“Like a new sketch comedy show on … a streaming device, something like Netflix, and so we’re just trying to figure out a time,” McDonald said.

Ok, so it’s probably not time to put a cabbage leaf on your head, and go around crushing anyone’s head between your fingers while you walk your favorite breed of dog (terrier), but this is still pretty great news.

In honor of this (slight) development towards getting new Kids in the Hall sketches, here’s some of their greatest of all time.

Car Ride

This is hands down my favorite of all time. Don’t ask me why, I’m sure you have your own opinion, but watch and bask in the glory of the line: “Who am I kidding? Thirty-six bucks a month almost killed me.”


If you’ve ever had the urge to sing a song about your favorite breed of dog, this sketch is for you.

Drunk Dad Advice

“Broke my hand on a pineapple, didn’t even care.” A dad interrupts his son’s birthday party to take him out to the middle of nowhere to get shitfaced in front of him. We’ve all been there.

Stay Down

A bar fight goes terribly awry when the instigator refuses to stay down because he’s egged on by his friend.

Chicken Lady Goes on a Date

Oh Chicken Lady, she loves life and is looking for love. Here she is on a blind date she met through a personal ad.

Gavin at the Butcher Shop

If you’ve ever been cornered by a kid on a stream of consciousness rant with no filter, you’ve met Gavin.

Buddy Cole is Canadian

No list would be complete without at least one Buddy Cole entry, here he talks about being Canadian.

Picking your favorite Kids in the Hall sketch is all but impossible, but today at least, these are mine. Post your favorites below, and for a little bit, let’s bask in the possibility of new sketches coming shortly.