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RFK Jr. Claims Nuzzi Harassed Him with Nudes; Keith Olbermann Fires Back

By Dustin Rowles | News | September 24, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | News | September 24, 2024 |


Yesterday, Jessica Reed Kraus — a former mommy blogger turned political journalist with at least some history of questionable reporting — wrote on her Substack about the fling/flirtation between New York Magazine reporter Olivia Nuzzi and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. She claimed in the piece to be friends with both, but it’s clear from her past reporting that she’s a big cheerleader for RFK Jr. (she also gained much of her popularity during the Depp/Heard trial by writing anti-Heard pieces, if you’re wondering what kind of person we’re dealing with).

In this Substack piece, which the New York Post is essentially reporting as news, Kraus claims that RFK was “chased by porn.” She asserts that poor RFK is a victim of Nuzzi’s, stating that he had blocked her, but each time he unblocked her, she would bombard “him with increasingly pornographic photos and videos that he found difficult to resist.”

“There was an undercurrent of fascination that went beyond journalistic intrigue, bordering on obsession… Her constant desire for updates, coupled with the tone of her inquiries, made it clear she wasn’t merely reporting: She was weaving some kind of fantasy.”

That poor man! He couldn’t resist all the porn! According to Kraus, RFK has hired a security firm to investigate Nuzzi and may file suit. What is his theory of the case? He wants damages because he enjoyed the naked pictures of her too much. “But, your honor? How could I resist nude pictures and videos of a woman less than half my age? I have no control over my penis! The brain worm controls it!”

What the NY Post fails to mention, however, is that Jessica Reed Kraus basically claims that New York Magazine — knowing that Nuzzi flirts with her subjects — used her to take down Robert Kennedy.

“New York Magazine knows what kind of journalist she is; it didn’t matter until she crossed a line and sent inappropriate pictures to her subject. It didn’t matter until her subject was Robert Kennedy. No matter what it takes, they need to take him out,” she was told by her “anonymous source,” who also believes that Bobby Kennedy was winning a lot of suburban mom voters for Trump but that this affair cost them. This sounds a lot like something a former mommy blogger turned RFK cheerleader might write. I seriously doubt there are any suburban moms who will make their decision on whether to vote for Trump based on whether Bobby Kennedy had a digital affair with a reporter.

Interestingly, Keith Olbermann is also tangentially involved in this story. Olbermann has a history of dating not just journalists but journalists much younger than him. Indeed, he revealed on his podcast yesterday that he had a three-year romantic relationship with Nuzzi—they even lived together—when she was 21 and he was 55. He doesn’t offer many details on their relationship, except to say that her “parents weren’t the best role models,” which sounds like something a man more than twice his girlfriend’s age might say.

That said, he doesn’t believe a word about Bobby Kennedy’s supposed claims that he was lured, against his will, into a digital relationship with Nuzzi. “Nothing suggests Olivia would have kept sending a guy nude photos unless he wanted them,” Olbermann claimed on his podcast. He saved his more profane critique of RFK Jr. for social media.

“This psychopath and serial woman chaser @RobertKennedyJr is talking about having @Olivianuzzi ARRESTED? I excuse none of her conduct but the dynamic just changed here. Fuck him. He’s an utterly irresponsible pile of shit. You participate in these sexts and they become a problem, you call her boss. Faster than 10 months later.”

Olbermann’s judgment is not always sound, either, but at least he’s always been honest.