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Relax, The Simpsons Are Staying On Sundays

By Andrew Sanford | News | January 22, 2025 |

Header Image Source: Disney

There are so many God-awful-looking AI-generated videos of “live-action” Simpsons trailers on YouTube. It’s nauseating. The stills are absolute nightmare fuel, and apparently, the AI community decided at some point that Adam Sandler was the perfect casting for Homer, as he’s the only actor I noticed who recurs no matter who “made” the video. You shouldn’t watch them. No one should. They’re shameless bastardization of one the best shows ever on television. It’s also a show that will be staying put in its beloved timeslot!

I was floored to see how many people were as up in arms about the show potentially moving timeslots as I was. Sometimes, I’ll pick a topic to write about and assume it won’t get much traction. That was the case with the Simpsons piece I wrote about them moving to Wednesday nights after airing on Sundays for decades. Most people don’t watch cable TV anymore, so I assumed I was yelling at a cloud, like Abe Simpson. Instead, people heard my call and were as bummed as I was (even if some said some incorrect and disparaging things about the show’s current quality).

Well, in a rare twist of good news, The Simpsons are staying on Sundays! Fox has revealed that while Family Guy will take over the timeslot for their Season 23 (Jesus) premiere, everyone’s favorite four-fingered family will reclaim that spot over a month later. No explanation was given for why The Simpsons are returning, but I certainly wasn’t the only one to write lamenting the change. Perhaps Fox saw the uproar and decided to change direction. Who knows?

What I do know is that I will cling to any shred of normalcy that I can. It’s obscenely cold right now (even for the East Coast). My pipes have been frozen since yesterday, so there’s no hot water in my house, leaving me to wash dishes by heating water I have to collect from our bathroom sink as the one in the kitchen won’t even work. What used to take ten minutes takes an hour, and it’s not like the weather will become more welcoming in the coming years. Give me my fake family in their Sunday night timeslot, which I will still likely watch on Hulu the next day, and I will cling to it like a cat sleeping on a manifold, blissfully ignorant of what awaits me.