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Missy Elliott Just Made Yours, Mine, and Kristen Bell's Day

By Kate Hudson | News | September 13, 2018 |

By Kate Hudson | News | September 13, 2018 |


2018. The year when up is down, left is right, and incels infest the comments (…sometimes.) In these weird, trying times, you have to grab joy when you come across it, and friends, Missy Elliott is here once again to save the day and bring a smile to your weary face.

Earlier this summer you were acquainted with Missy’s “Funky White Sister” (Mary Halsey, but I believe in referring to performers by their stage name) and her surprisingly authentic cover of Work It, complete with a random animal-horn. What’s the horn for? Who knows, but it’s awesome!

If not, here it is (don’t act like you’re not going to watch it again, even if you have seen it. It’s pretty amazing, I don’t blame you.)

In the great pantheon of duos there’s been Jan & Dean, Karen & Richard Carpenter, Hall & Oates, and now, Missy Elliott & Her Funky White Sister. They banded together on Ellen today to really, well, work it. The results are exquisite. (I’ve queued up the video for the performance but there’s an interview before it, and it’s very charming, so give it a go if you have the time.)

Why’s Kristen Bell there with a split screen reaction shot? Again, who knows?! (…but it makes the video 100% better and now all videos should have it.)

There’s something genuinely wart-harming about watching Mary meet Missy while she’s rapping her heart out. She, like the rest of the world, clearly admires her.


So, enjoy this palate cleanser after a rough day, and bask in the sheer joy that everyone displays in the video. You earned it!