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Lance Bass Got Locked Out Of "The Brady Bunch" House

By Mieka Strawhorn | News | August 8, 2018 |

By Mieka Strawhorn | News | August 8, 2018 |


Former N’Sync’er Lance Bass may have an abundance of walking around money, but he recently proved, yet again, that he does not quite have eccentric billionaire money. Back in 2002, he came up short on funds to ride a rocket into space, and this month, he was outbid when he tried to buy a historic piece of TV real estate. 11222 Dilling Street in Studio City, California, was recently on the market for the first time since 1973. The house’s claim to fame is that it played the Brady’s family home in the classic sitcom The Brady Bunch. The house was listed for $1,885,000.

The 3/3, 2,477-square-foot house wasn’t even used for any interior shots; the iconic kitchen, staircase, bedrooms, Mike’s den etc., were all shot on a Paramount Studios set. Yet, for some reason, Lance wanted it real bad. This despite the fact (or perhaps, because of the fact) that it’s a major tourist attraction. It is the second most photographed house in the country, second only to The White House. It’s also a Pokémon Go hot-spot.

Last week, Lance bid on the house and his offer was initially accepted.

It turns out Lance wanted to remodel the interiors and recreate the original BB set. I mean, who among us hasn’t had fantasies of lounging on Greg’s afghan in his attic room, or playing basketball in the house and breaking that damn vase over and over again on an endless loop? With enough money, all things are possible!

Jonathan Silver Scott is one of HGTV’s Property Brothers. This will be important in a minute.

You see, it turns out there was a mysterious corporate buyer with deep pockets who would smash Lance’s dreams, much like that basketball smashed that vase, or that football smashed Marcia’s nose. What the fuck was up with those rowdy ass Brady boys?

Lance explained on Instagram that, in what he considered to be a shady move, the sellers got a better offer after his initial over-asking bid was accepted. And he was heartbroken. Much like Marcia after Davey Jones spurned her advances.

Marcia Marcia Marcia! Im feeling heartbroken today. As many of you may have heard, we placed the winning bid on the iconic Brady Bunch house—at least that’s what we were told. The agent representing the estate informed us we made the winning bid (which was WAY over the asking price) after the final deadline for all offers had passed—even writing up the “winning bid” for my team after informing me of the good news. Isn’t a deadline a deadline? This was a dream come true for me and I spent the night celebrating amongst friends, family, and fans alike. The next day, due to “unforeseen circumstances” the same agent informed us that there’s another Corporate Buyer (Hollywood studio) who wants the house at any cost. We were prepared to go even higher but totally discouraged by the sellers agent, they will outperform any bid with unlimited resources. How is this fair or legal?? How can I compete with a billion dollar corporate entity? I truly believe I was used to drive up the price of the home knowing very well that this corporation intended on making their offer and it’s not a good feeling. I feel used but most importantly I’m hurt and saddened by this highly questionable outcome. I just hope it is not demolished. Thanks for all the love and support. #CrushedDream #ShadyAF #DouglasElliman #ShadyBrady To make me happier you can register and vote November 6th!

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It turns out that corporate buyer was none other than HGTV! And the traitorous Jonathan Silver Scott will be the one to take a sledgehammer to the wood paneling, an X-acto knife to the white carpeting and, one hopes, a flamethrower to the hideous pink wallpaper in the master suite.

Thankfully, it seems HGTV is planning on doing the same thing Lance was going to do, so there’s no hard feelings. Lance is not going to have to dress up like an old-timey prospector, kidnap The Property Brothers and put them in fake jail while they’re on a family vacation. Ditto cursed tiki idols.

In fact, he’s willing to consider creating a blended family of their own.

And it seems the feeling may be mutual.

And that’s the way, they all became The HGTV Bunch!