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Carrie Coon Responds to Someone Who Says She 'Looks Both 35 and 55'

By Dustin Rowles | News | November 7, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Getty Images

One should never comment on a woman’s age, but someone recently did something unusual: They said something astute about a celebrity’s age on Twitter. To wit:


OK, well, not that astute, because somehow, 35 is not “young” and 55 is not “old,” but I do think that we can all agree on one thing: Carrie Coon is “fine as hell.”

Coon — who is married to actor and playwright Tracy Letts, who has looked 55 for the last 20 years — took the comment in the complimentary spirit in which it was intended and responded accordingly. “Thank you,” she wrote. “I totally agree and I can answer this one: 43, generally healthy, two little kids and not enough rest, no Botox or filler. Have a marvelous day!”

Though the age range is different, I have often thought this of Mae Whitman. In 2015, for instance, she played a high school student in The DUFF. Three years later, she played a single mom with a teenage child in Good Girls. She looked perfectly believable in both roles: 18 or 35.

“And I’m not trolling you!” Carrie Coon continued. “I really do agree! Feeling ‘fine as hell’ and loving my forties; some days I’m feeling 35 and some I lean 55, but they are all me.”

Same, Carrie. As someone who is in the age range between 35 and 55, I admit: There are days when I wake up and run 3 miles and I feel 35, and there are days when I feel 55. Actually, it’s the same day when I can’t walk up the stairs because my knee just gave out because I ran three miles.