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Baseless Speculation: Who'll Be Leaving 'Jessica Jones' In Season 2?

By Tori Preston | Streaming | March 7, 2018 |

By Tori Preston | Streaming | March 7, 2018 |


I’m a sucker for all things Jessica Jones. I mentioned in the comments recently that I have sat through every hour of Marvel/Netflix television in the hopes that her character might pop up. Like, I knew she wouldn’t really have a reason to be in Iron Fist… BUT WHAT IF I WAS WRONG? And now, with the second season of Jessica Jones a mere day away, I’m biding my time by reading Krysten Ritter interviews. Honestly, most of what she says about the new season is what you expect: She loves the character, and the material, and the social commentary! It’s great working on a female-driven set! Knitting ‘n Stuff! And then, of course, there’s all the things she can’t talk about. Like wtf Kilgrave is doing back on the show.

But betwixt all that, Ritter’s managed to reveal some juicy almost-tidbits. Like this piece from the end of her interview with The Hollywood Reporter (emphasis mine):

Rachael Taylor, Carrie-Anne Moss and Eka Darville reprise their roles as Trish “Patsy” Walker, Jeri Hogarth and Malcolm Ducasse, respectively, each one of them afforded a markedly different story arc than the ones they experienced in season one. Additionally, there are new series regulars in the mix, including Leah Gibson as a mysterious woman who becomes embroiled in Jessica’s search for self-discovery, and J.R. Ramirez as a fellow resident of Jessica’s building.

“It just felt like an evolution,” Ritter says about the comings and goings heading out of season one and into season two. “It felt like we got on this train and we kept moving. Some people get off, and some people get on.”

Indeed, expect at least one massive presence from season one to get off of the train before the end of season two. Without revealing any details, the second season of Jessica Jones makes it very clear, very quickly: danger hangs heavily in the air as the super-strong sleuth digs deeper into her own past.


What?! Is “get off of the train” a euphemism for “dies” now? Is someone getting hit by a train?!

Phew, ok. I took a breather, and upon reflection — I get it. It’s not like someone is necessarily dying this season. Maybe they’re just getting written off to live happily on a farm upstate. And as evidenced by the fact that fucking Kilgrave IS back this season, dying doesn’t mean you’re off the train forever anyway.

But more than that, there is one character on the show who, in the comics, literally goes to hell and back: Trish Walker, AKA Patsy Walker, AKA Hellcat. Fans have been waiting to see if Jessica’s Krav Maga-trained bestie would ever grow into her spandex-clad superhero potential. And I’m not saying she needs to die in order to come back all suited up and ready for action. But she could.

So fuck it, I’m calling it now: Trish is gonna die this season. And when she hops back on the Jessica Jones train in the future (because she will, dammit — they wouldn’t kill her off forever!), she’ll be a vigilante with cat ears.


What do you think? Who’ll be having transit issues on the upcoming season of Jessica Jones?

BONUS: Wanna hear Krysten Ritter acknowledge that Jessica is the best part of The Defenders while saying of the show as a whole, “It is what it is”? Then check out this evasive answer she gave to Vulture:

What did you make of the critical response to The Defenders?

Well, I think Jessica was pretty well received. People were excited to see her again, so that made us happy because Jessica is the next up. Y’know, I had a great time doing The Defenders and honestly, it was such a good experience that I would even do it again. I don’t think we are doing it again. It was never intentioned to do it again, but, you know, if I was given another opportunity, I would. My heart is with my show because of the subject matter and because of the great drama that we get to do and the personal issues that we explore. For me, that is more the type of content that I enjoy as a viewer and as a performer. My heart is in Jessica Jones, but I did have a great time doing The Defenders with the guys. We had a good time. It is what it is.