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Rachel Dolezal's Son Sums Up Why We Shouldn't Watch The Netflix Documentary About Her - In The Trailer

By Jodi Smith | Streaming | March 7, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Streaming | March 7, 2018 |


Netflix isn’t shy about making documentaries about controversial subjects or figures. Probably one of the most mind-numbingly controversial people in recent history is self-proclaimed “trans-black” Rachel Dolezal. If you’ve somehow been blessed with forgetting her name and story, you’re tacky and I hate you.

Dolezal was living her life as a black woman, serving as branch president of the NAACP in Spokane, Washington and teaching African studies. She was revealed to be a white woman in 2015 when her ethnicity, stories about being the target of hate crimes, and lying about even more things came to light. She eventually wrote a book called “In Full Color,” still identifies as African-American, and has changed her name to Nkechi Amare Diallo.

Oh, yeah. She compared her experiences of being caught lying with slavery.

The Rachel Divide is a documentary about Dolezal that was compiled over two years of filming by Laura Brownson. Not only was Dolezal filmed, but her two sons were as well. As you can see in the trailer below, Dolezal’s son Franklin is displeased with lots of things about the documentary.

Tell her, Franklin! No one needs to know more. Digging the hole deeper won’t help her drag her ass out of the dirt. Leave things alone and live your life away from everyone else. Stop trying to make people think pretending to be black is somehow acceptable. It’s not acceptable. It’s some sort of fetish-like insult to claim an ethnicity based on some white person’s ideas surrounding what it means to be that ethnicity. JUST STOP.