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Hulu's 'Runaways' Get A Secret Hideout (And Maybe A Skrull?) In Season 2

By Tori Preston | Streaming | October 1, 2018 |

By Tori Preston | Streaming | October 1, 2018 |

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We finally got a trailer for the second season of Hulu’s teens-with-superpowers-and-evil-parents drama, Runaways, and you know what? It looks GOOD. Probably because the teens, you know, finally ran away at the end of last season.

The Runaways are moving into a secret hideout, and love appears to be blossoming between Karolina and Nico. And everyone seems to be using their powers a whole lot more (bigger budget, maybe?). Karolina is glowing, Molly is throwing cars around, Chase has his fancy pew-pew gloves on, and even Old Lace gets a tackle in there. But there are two bits of news we can glean from this trailer:

1) The show will be dropping ALL of its episodes on December 21st. None of this weekly rollout crap anymore, so get ready for a holiday binge.

2) Now, I might be reaching on this one, but bear with me. The trailer features Jonah telling Karolina that “Nothing is more important than learning about who, and what, you are.” Now, fans of the comics know that she is an alien — and that eventually her secret fiancé shows up, and he’s a Skrull. Now, I’m not saying that’s definitely going to be a complication this season, but we do know that the Skrulls will be playing a big part in Captain Marvel next March, and uh… there’s clearly something going on with this handsome young fellow in the trailer:

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We’ll find out what the deal is with this new character, and all of the Runaways, this December.