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This Real Life Scooby Gang Tracked Down and Helped Return a Stolen Newborn Baby

By Cindy Davis | Music | May 29, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Music | May 29, 2014 |

We could use some good news this week, don’t you think? Buffy Summers and Co. tracked down supernatural monsters; here’s a case where a few Canadian teens decided to spend their night hunting a different kind of creep. Only 16 hours after a mother gave birth to her baby daughter in a Quebec hospital, a woman dressed as a nurse took the newborn, purportedly to be weighed. Sensing something was off, the mother spoke with hospital staff and it was quickly discovered the fake nurse had fled the hospital…luckily on-property cameras caught the escape, and the car was identified as a red Toyota Yaris (with a Baby on Board sticker). After an Amber Alert was issued and posted on social media sites, a group of friends decided to take matters into their own hands, and go hunting. “We had nothing to do that night, so, we went off in search of a red car.”

The foursome (two sisters and a male and female friend) set out with only the car description, and just as they began driving, one of the girls checked her phone to saw the security camera photos; by crazy coincidence, her friend immediately recognized the car as her former neighbor’s. The group drove to the apartment building, discovered the red Yaris parked outside. They snuck close enough to hear sounds inside, and called the police, who drove up quietly, broke down the door and apprehended the kidnapper. The newborn infant was safely returned to her parents at the hospital only a few hours after being taken. Pretty gosh-darned amazing story, and what a great group of young friends (all in their early 20s).

(via Gawker)

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) likes a social media story with a happy ending.