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Genius and Beauty in Music

By TK Burton | Music | May 12, 2009 |

By TK Burton | Music | May 12, 2009 |

Here’s a few more videos we stumbled across. Should you discover any, feel free to email me.

Fucking Radiohead, man. I swear, sometimes I want to dislike them, but they make it bloody well impossible. They consistently break new ground, doing things with music and sound and, yes, video that you never though possible. This is the jaw-dropping video from last year for “House of Cards,” where they used 3D imaging technologies called Geometric Informatics and Velodyne LIDAR. Yeah, I don’t know what the hell that is either, but it certainly looks cool. Read more about it here.

Fellow music writer Chris Polley sent me this video of Windsurf’s “Weird Energy,” about which he had this to say:
“The San Francisco retro-dance dance duo may not have the mainstream appeal to stand out, but when they have some of the best Miami Vice clips included on their video for this, one of their catchiest and most animated tracks, you might just want to watch out. Weird indeed, but also surprisingly calming.”

Finally, because I can’t get enough of this — Stacey posted a link to one of the “Playing For Change” videos, using street and amateur musicians around the world to perform Ben E. King’s “Stand By Me.” Here’s another amazing piece, this time it’s Bob Marley’s “One Love.” It gives me chills every time I watch it (and not just because of the numerous South African artists involved). Simply incredible stuff (make sure you watch the very end).

TK writes about music for Pajiba. He likes dogs, raising the dead, and tacos. You can email him here.