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Gene Simmons Thinks Rap Has No Place in the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame. Here Are Its Most Rockin' Inductees

By Courtney Enlow | Music | April 12, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Music | April 12, 2016 |

Recently, the Face of Boe’s slightly younger twin brother Gene Simmons told Rolling Stone that he’s “looking forward to the death of rap.” So when NWA received their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this week, MC Ren called him out, saying “I want to say, to Mr. Gene Simmons, hip-hop is here forever.”

Yeah, man! ROCK AND ROLL. It’s about bucking the establishment, rejecting the norm and eschewing the status quo—totes nothing like rap! Because it’s rock! RAWK! Devil horns! *headbangs*

And that’s why the Hall of Fame has included these hardest of mawfucking ROCK SAUCERS. *guitar solo*

John Mellencamp


Herb Alpert

Floyd Cramer

Bee Gees


Bobby Darin


Thank god only very specific music can be construed as “rock and roll” and that all the great artists above fit in that exact singular mold and there is absolutely no blurred line between what is considered “rock” versus pop or blues or jazz or bluegrass or country or hip hop and that it hasn’t become a term encompassing most music and that this should make the cut for eternal Hall of Fame recognition…

…while this should not.

Thanks for clearing that up, Gene.

Also, if you have any remaining question whether or not we should listen to Gene Simmons on any matter, don’t forget he thinks depressed people should just go kill themselves.