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Dave Grohl Rocks So Hard He Breaks a Bone and Keeps Rocking

By Genevieve Burgess | Music | June 13, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Music | June 13, 2015 |

As most of his fans know, Dave Grohl is an incredibly talented man. He plays a bunch of instruments, he sings, he writes great songs, and he seems like a pretty all around fantastic guy. He’s also almost insanely devoted to performing, to the detriment of his own health and well-being.

At a concert in Gothenburg, Sweden, Grohl missed a jump, fell, and broke his leg. He had to leave the show to go to the hospital, but he promised fans “I’m going to come back.”

True to his word, a few songs later, medics carried him back on stage and put him in a chair where he continued to perform the rest of the concert. He took a brief break so that a cast could be put on his leg. Here he is at the end of the show, using his new crutches for dramatic effect.

A photo posted by @hampusblidstal on

And just so you don’t think they were blowing the whole thing out of proportion, the Foo Fighters actually posted Dave’s X-Ray to their Facebook page.

Thank you Gothenburg. That was amazing.

Posted by Foo Fighters on Friday, June 12, 2015

Rock on, Mr.Grohl.