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Which is Superior: Showering in the Morning or Showering in the Evening?

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | February 5, 2020 |

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | February 5, 2020 |


Last week I harnessed the collective power of the scattered Pajiba collective to help settle that supreme debate:

Is it okay to pee in the shower?

The results were a beacon of hope and reason in an age of barbarism and late-capitalist decay:


Goddamn right. Sanity prevails. At least somewhere.

Friends, I need your help just one more time. I suspect this time the results will not be anywhere near as clear-cut, but I need to know the state of the world, down to at least this detail:

Which is superior? Showering in the mornings, or showering in the evenings?

Morning Shower or Evening Shower?
Evening Shower! Obviously, You Horrible Sweaty Bast**ds
Morning Shower! Obviously, You Horrible Sweaty Bast**ds
Iam a Profligate Oligarch Who Hates Everything, So: Both!
Created with Poll Maker

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