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13 Things You Should Never Google

By Kristy Puchko | Miscellaneous | October 12, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Miscellaneous | October 12, 2015 |

The internet offers a wealth of information. Wiki-holes can lead you down rich paths of discovery. Google image searches can unfurl worlds of art and wonder. Youtube shares videos from around the globe, allowing access to every possible human experience from all around the globe. But there’s a dark side to all this knowledge. And I’m not talking about “the dark web.” I’m talking about those idle searches you make that you can never take back. The things that you can never unsee.

This is a public service announcement dear readers: Do NOT Google the following. The words may seem benign, but there is no reason you need to know any of their meanings.


degloved face

two girls one cup

four girls finger paint


Smurf porn (H/T HDTGM)

stone baby

ring avulsion


clock spider

lemon party

eel girl

tub girl

blue waffle

Did we forget a search that scarred you personally? Share it in comments. But not pics obviously, you monsters.

Kristy Puchko will be in a cave, far far away from where the internet can find her, until further notice.