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The 5 Best Movies Starring Sandra Bullock, According To Me: Shutup, I Haven't Seen 'Gravity'

By Jodi Smith | Miscellaneous | August 18, 2014 |

By Jodi Smith | Miscellaneous | August 18, 2014 |

The Proposal is the only romantic comedy I will purposely watch. It is the only one that I actually enjoy, that I think is funny, and that I watch every time it is on television. Bullock plays Margaret Tate, a Canadian living and working in the US as a high powered editor. Ryan Reynolds is Andrew Paxton, her overworked assistant forced to marry Margaret to keep her from being deported on an expired visa.

Zany hijinks and life-altering moments follow. Strangely enough, I’m more than alright with it.

I guess I just said that The Proposal is the only rom com I’ll watch. Is Practical Magic a rom com? I mean, I see it as more of a sisterly-bond-with-witchcraft-and-coincidental love. Bullock is Sally Owens and Nicole Kidman is her sister Gillian. The two young girls are orphaned and raised by their eccentric aunts (Stockard Channing and Dianne Wiest) that teach the girls about their witchy ancestry.

Then Sally loses her husband, moves in with the aunts, Gilly dates another asshole, and then there is a cop, killing, and magic. It’s pretty glorious fluff, but this trailer from 1998 is quite terrible at setting the film’s tone. The music and voice-over are heinous too.

Keanu Reeves is Jack and he needs to outwit Dennis Hopper’s Howard Payne to keep a bus from exploding. Luckily, Annie (Bullock) is riding the bus and her license has been suspended due to excessive…Speed!!

That’s really all there is to it. POP QUIZ, HOT SHOT!

In A Time to Kill, Bullock plays Roark, a lawyer with a filthy rich daddy. She decides to work for free helping out Jake Tyler Brigance (Matthew McConaughey) in his defense of Carl Lee Hailey (Samuel L. Jackson), a man who killed his daughter’s rapists.

There are lots of things I could say at this point concerning the film’s faults and possible connections to current events, but this isn’t really why I’ve got it on here.

Let’s pop back into less emotionally charged waters, shall we? I did not expect to like this movie at all, but I laughed my ass off at the buddy cop comedy The Heat. I confess, Bullock has done the straight-laced FBI agent before, but her Ashburn paired with Melissa McCarthy’s insane Mullins was delicious.