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The 2009 - 2010 Cannonball Read Winners

By The Pajiba Staff | Miscellaneous | November 9, 2010 |

By The Pajiba Staff | Miscellaneous | November 9, 2010 |

First of all, we’d like to thank everyone who participated in the 2009-2010 Cannonball Read challenge, a race to see who could read and review 52 books in one year. We honestly and sincerely want to thank everyone who read one book or 52 books, or even just signed up and couldn’t find the time to write a review. It really is the sentiment that counts here, and that sentiment is for a more literate society and the memory of Pajiba’s warrior queen, AlabamaPink.

We want to apologize, too, about our slacking off in the last few months. There’s normally a huge amount of enthusiasm for the Cannonball Read at the beginning of each cycle, but as the marathon wears on, and people find that they have a more difficult time keeping up, interest wanes to a degree. A huge thanks to all of you who continued the CBR until the very end.

We also want to thank Nicole Fuscia, the rock star who kept this thing running for so long, and for the hours of work and dedication she put into the project. It’s a steep undertaking, and Nicole kept this thing churning along beautifully. We should also thank Brian Prisco, who started this thing with AlabamaPink a few years ago, and has given us his blessing to continue it on.

For a list of all the participants, and links to their blogs, you can still check the 2009-2010 Cannonball Read page. And not at all to devalue the contributions that all of them made, but there were some who deserve some special recognition for completing the reading and reviewing marathon. Here are your Cannonball Read winners:

2009-2010 Cannonball Read Winners

JenK — 101 books read and reviewed
Malin — 100 books read and reviewed
Teabelly — 80 books read and reviewed
PinkyMcLadybits — 62 books read and reviewed
Siege — 52 books read and reviewed
Janel — 52 books read and reviewed
Jelinas — 52 books read and reviewed
fff — 52 books read and reviewed
Snuggiepants the Deathbringer — 52 books read and reviewed
ScienceGeek — 52 books read and reviewed
Caitlin — 52 books read and reviewed
mswas — 52 books read and reviewed
Rusty - 52 books read and reviewed

Honorable mentions

Sara - 51 books read and reviewed
SaBrina - 26 reviews, plus 25 more book listed, for 51 read
Leuce7 - 1 reviewed, reports reading 52

On behalf of the winners, the honorable mentions, and those who read and reviewed one book, or 40 books (but especially those who completed the challenge), Pajiba is contributing $500 this year to the college fund of AlabamaPink’s son, Alastair Amos. And thanks again to Nicole, Brian, the winners, and everyone who participated in this year’s challenge.

And for those of you wondering if there will be another cycle of the Cannonball Read, that question should be answered soon. More soon than you probably think.