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Parallel Universe Nightmare Fuel: See The Alternate Muzzles Hannibal Lecter Tried On

By Kristy Puchko | Miscellaneous | December 29, 2014 |

By Kristy Puchko | Miscellaneous | December 29, 2014 |

In Silence of the Lambs, Dr. Lecter may be a small, sophisticated man with a deep appreciation for a nice Chianti. But what makes Hannibal the Cannibal so horrifying as portrayed by Sir Anthony Hopkins is one part Welshman intensity, one part his mind, one part the whole cannibal thing, and one part that muzzle that presents him as a dangerous animal. But before settling on the iconic, director Jonathan Demme ran through some alternate options.

Below, thanks to Criterion Collection (via iO9), you can see Hopkins do the most horrifying screen tests in the most casual of manners.

Too hockey.

Hm. Well, it’s disturbing. But I’m not shitting myself. Let’s try another.

Too mad fencer. Let’s combine this one and the last.

Now we’re too Medieval Times…what else, ya got?

Brown alert! Yeah, add some tines near his lips, and we’re good!
