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The Continuing Saga Of Martin Shkreli, Pharma-Douche: NY Attorney General Announces Antitrust Investigation

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | October 14, 2015 |

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | October 14, 2015 |

Hey everyone, remember that real-life Patrick Bateman, Martin Shkreli, and his hi-larious AIDS drugs escapades?

Do you remember how sick it made you that this walking representation of the worst psychopathic excesses of capitalism could get away with bumping up the price of life saving medicine by 5,000 percent?

And remember how he dealt with the initial backlash by quoting Eminem and we all thought, ‘holy shit, is this guy actually for real?!
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Do you perhaps recall the feeling near the end of September when Shkreli and his firm, Turing Pharmaceuticals, promised a climbdown from that cartoonishly villainous new price? Sure, they didn’t actually put a number on it; and it was a little like being told that your limbs would be forcibly removed for missing a rent payment before the magnanimous bailiffs decided that they would let you keep a leg — but at least it was a movement in the right direction, right?

How about the fact that as of last week, the price reduction promise has yet to prove to be anything more than hot, putrid, turdweasel gas?

Well, now for some good news again, as the New York Attorney General has begun an official antitrust inquiry into Shkreli’s firm.

*sigh* Martin, Martin, Martin, it’s an emotional rollercoaster with you, you little vampiric scamp!

Now, granted, this isn’t directly related to the price hike, but, as the letter sent by the attorney general’s office to Turing Pharmaceuticals says: “While competition might ordinarily be expected to deter such a massive price increase, it appears that Turing may have taken steps to prevent that competition from arising.”

Interestingly, the New York attorney general is apparently not the only office looking into this issue, as the Minnesotan Democratic Senator, Amy Klobuchar, had recently written a letter to the Federal Trade Commission saying that, “Some companies may be combining a substantial price increase for a prescription medication with a closed distribution system. If the restricted distribution prevents or delays generic competition, it could subject consumers to unnecessarily high prescription drug prices.”

Democratic presidential nominee, Bernie Sanders, has also shown interest in this.


The bigger and brighter the spotlight on these scumbags, the better.

Though, judging by the up-and-down, good news/bad news trend of this story thus far, it’s more than likely that the next thing to happen will be Shkreli holding a press conference to announce, ‘This isn’t even my final form!’ before unfurling his tattered leathery wings and diving headfirst through his penthouse window into the night sky.

To be honest, I’d quite enjoy watching that. Some honesty for a change.