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Behold The Stupidest F*cking iPhone Case The World Will Ever Know

By Kristy Puchko | Miscellaneous | July 1, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Miscellaneous | July 1, 2015 |

Wanna talk gun culture gone mad? Despite the heinous rash of incidents where unarmed black men were shot by police, and a racist terrorist gunning down people at prayer, some asshole thought this iPhone case would be a great idea:


You want people to think you have a gun, but then actually you don’t? Hilarious! Right? Because in no way could someone thinking you’re carrying a weapon result in a horrible deadly mistake. Oh—wait—that’s actually exactly what could happen! So cops and anti-gun violence advocates are joining forces in speaking out.

Grandmothers Love Over Violence member Inez Rodriguez said, “They think it’s cute, but this is going to get our kids killed.”

A former cop speaking under the condition of anonymity told NY Daily News, “This is the stupidest, most dangerous thing I’ve ever seen.” And—believe it or not—this gun-shaped case gets even stupider!

Buy it and you can download a Russian roulette app, which will complete the illusion on your screen and allow you to play the world’s most fucked up party game with your friends.

Thankfully, some teens NYDN spoke with knew this accessory is nothing but trouble. Bronx resident Joash Fynx, 19, explained, “If a person of my race had something like that, it would be really dangerous. Something like that can easily be mistaken for a weapon, especially in a bad neighborhood.”

Maybe take the advice of the NYPD on this one:

Kristy Puchko can’t even sometimes.