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Mindhole Blowers Don't Hurt: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About Patrick Swayze's 'Road House'

By Jodi Smith | Mindhole Blowers | September 25, 2016 |

By Jodi Smith | Mindhole Blowers | September 25, 2016 |

Road House was released in 1989 and stars Patrick Swayze as Dalton, a bar cooler. No, you don’t put beers inside of him. A cooler like a head bouncer for some of the grossest, grimiest bars in cinema history.

The flick is a cult favorite, featuring the lines “I used to fuck guys like you in prison”; “Pain don’t hurt”; and “I thought you’d be bigger.” It’s also one of the best episodes of “How Did This Get Made.” It’s also directed by a guy named Rowdy Herrington.

1. The theatrical trailer was filled with scenes that were left on the cutting room floor. Some sources say the trailer had the most scenes that weren’t in the actual movie. These scenes included the Keith David story arc and dialogue, bouncers in ballet onesies, and another fight between Dalton and knife-boot dude.

2. Women became a nuisance to the filming, as tons of them showed up to ogle Swayze in his karate casual. A female extra tripped and spilled drinks on some other extras because she was blinded by the raw sexuality radiating from Swayze’s mullet.

3. Everyone did their own stunts while filming, including Sam Elliott’s pubes.


4. Marshall Teague (Jimmy) accidentally clocked Swayze with a real log during one of their fights.

5. Swayze had to have fluid drained from his knee while filming, as pain totally hurt.

6. Annette Bening was fired from her role as Dr. Elizabeth Clay due to an inexplicable lack of chemistry with Swayze. She was replaced by Kelly Lynch.

7. One of the 4 Murray Brothers (Bill, Joel, John, and Brian Doyle) always calls Lynch’s husband Mitch Glazer whenever Road House is on. They take great joy in telling Glazer that Lynch is raw-dogging Swayze.


8. Swayze’s speech to his bouncers at The Double Deuce about rules is used in NYPD Training. Be nice until it’s time to not be nice. I don’t know that it worked.

9. Like the Dirty Dancing soundtrack, Swayze contributed his singing. He sings “Cliff’s Edge” and “Raising Heaven (In Hell) Tonight”.

10. Road House was the first movie given the Rifftrax treatment by Michael J. Nelson. Nelson, of course, used to be head writer and then star of Mystery Science Theater 3000, which had an obsession with Patrick Swayze and Road House.