By Cindy Davis | Marvel Movies | May 5, 2015 |
By Cindy Davis | Marvel Movies | May 5, 2015 |
Sure, sure, we already knew about the missing Avengers and Age of Ultron Black Widow (and Scarlet Witch) action figure (why yes Marvel, she is actually a participating member of the team) and merchandise, but it’s really something when Our Nerd Lord and Leader calls you out.
With posts to his Twitter and Facebook page, Agent Coulson added his powerful voice to the call for Marvel and Hasbro to get their shit together, and stop ignoring female superheroes, including the kickass Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. women.
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) May 3, 2015
Gregg clearly stands in support of Women’s PowerStrategy™ Conference founder Patricia V Davis’ petition to add Black Widow (and others) to Avengers merchandise.
“My friend’s ten year old daughter was devastated when her favorite Avenger wasn’t included in the pack with the other four Avengers. Little girls need better messages from toy companies than that women’s contributions don’t count or that a female is less of a superhero. Currently, females make up 46% of the viewing audience for superhero movies like The Avengers, but Marvel’s Agents of Shield TV show boasts an even higher percentage of female viewers because of all the strong, brave women characters on the program. Currently there is only one female Avenger out of the five, and to add insult to injury, HASBRO toy maker has decided her action figure doesn’t even merit a mention. On TV and in print promos, Hasbro is promoting only four of the five Avengers, leaving the lone female out.Girls need strong and capable female role models. Please sign my petition asking HASBRO to add more of the the female AVENGER movable action figures to the boxes of pre-packaged action figures for the growing number of girls for whom just dressing up a fashion doll doesn’t cut it anymore. Please promote the female action figure along with the other four Avenger action figures.”
Yeah, Marvel (and Disney), #WheresNatasha? We’re waiting…