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This is Certainly One Way to Make Us Even More Excited for Season 2 of 'Daredevil'

By Dustin Rowles | Marvel Movies | June 5, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Marvel Movies | June 5, 2015 |

If you didn’t think there was possibly any way you couldn’t be more excited about season 2 after the phenomenal debut season that made a mockery of every other superhero series ever, this bit of news may change your mind.

Though nothing has been confirmed, Latino Review — who has an excellent track record when it comes to Marvel — is reporting that the studio is eying none other than Jason Statham to play the season two villain, Bullseye.


Statham — who was apparently under consideration when Marvel had plans to reboot a Daredevil film — has reportedly been meeting with Marvel brass, and the role would make total sense for Statham, who would be making his television debut. The psychopathic assassin — played by Colin Farrell in the Ben Affleck flick — would use the opportunities afforded by his line of work to exercise his homicidal tendencies against Daredevil.

Less exciting (in my opinion) are rumors that Marvel may also use season two of Daredevil to introduce some characters from the Spider-man world. According to Screencrush, Mysterio could also be introduced as way to layer in Spider-man mythology from he makes his appearance in Captain America: Civil War, though I would prefer that Daredevil remain separate from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so as not to be beholden any additional shoehorned plot lines setting up future installments. After the Thor cave sequence in Age of Ultron, I’ve had about enough of that.


Source: Latino Review