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Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, and Elizabeth Olsen Discuss Superpowers and Fears

By Genevieve Burgess | Marvel Movies | April 25, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Marvel Movies | April 25, 2015 |

The Avengers: Age of Ultron press tour is still in full swing and Mark Ruffalo, Elizabeth Olsen, and Jeremy Renner showed up on The Graham Norton Show. We haven’t heard much from Elizabeth Olsen this press tour, probably because she’s not as well known as the other actors in the film, but she does discuss her character’s power to inspire fear. This leads to a discussion of fears in general, specifically the more absurd or illogical ones we tend to have.

Context for that Ruffalo dig is that Josh Widdicombe wrote for the Dora the Explorer magazine, as mentioned here:

After the cast members owned up to their fears, the audience got in on the action. This yielded some truly bizarre responses and some really excellent faces from the guests.

Also, one audience member showed off a tongue related “superpower” and Jeremy Renner got kinda skeevy:

Of course, most of the rest of this episode probably can’t be seen by US audiences yet as Avengers: Age of Ultron has already been released in the UK while we’re still waiting for next weekend over here, and I expect things beyond these limited clips get fairly spoilery. UK readers can confirm or deny this, but please don’t give details, they will not be appreciated.