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Jeremy Renner Throws Joss Whedon Under the Bus Without Being a Total Douchebag

By Dustin Rowles | Marvel Movies | March 21, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Marvel Movies | March 21, 2016 |

There was, let’s say, a lot of chemistry between Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye and Scarlett Johannson’s Black Widow characters in The Avengers, leading some to speculate that the two might make a fine couple someday. That issue, however, became confused in Age of Ultron when we discover that Hawkeye is actually married and has kids.

Hawkeye’s flirtatious nature can be confusing for young audiences who don’t understand that married men with kids can still make eyes at another woman. A young man at the Silicon Valley Comic Con expressed that very confusion when he asked Renner about the shift. Renner — also confused and not quite sure what else to say — simply blamed the writer, Joss Whedon.

“Don’t blame me. I didn’t write it.” Renner is not wrong, although he probably could’ve been a little more diplomatic about it. I’m just thankful he managed to answer an entire question without calling Black Widow a whore.