By Dustin Rowles | Late Night TV | April 18, 2017 |
By Dustin Rowles | Late Night TV | April 18, 2017 |
The resurgent Stephen Colbert may be one of the only good things to come out of the Trump Administration, and last night he took on one of Trump’s allies, Alex Jones, with a brilliant troll job. Jones is in the midst of a custody battle at the moment, and his wife has plenty of material to use to illustrate that he’s an unfit father. Jones’ lawyer, however, is claiming that Jones’ Infowars is all an act, that it’s “performance art.”
What I wouldn’t give to be the lawyer cross-examining Alex Jones in this case.
Anyway, Colbert took on Jones last night, bringing on another of Colbert’s alter-egos, Tuck Buckford. “LISTEN PEOPLE, THE LIBERALS WANT TO TATTOO OBAMA LOGOS ONTO THE SKIN OF CHRISTIAN BABIES … MY HEART IS A VOLCANO. IT’S TIME TO THROW A VIRGIN IN THERE.”
Meanwhile, over on Fallon, Anne Hathaway sang badly translated pop songs, if you’re wondering why Colbert has beaten Fallon in overall ratings for the last 10 weeks.