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John Oliver Couldn't 'Give Less of a Sh*t About Donald Trump'

By Dustin Rowles | Late Night TV | October 1, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Late Night TV | October 1, 2015 |

As promised when he began Last Week Tonight, John Oliver has stayed away from the Presidential election on his show, choosing to focus his attention on more pressing matters, like Edward Snowden, online harassment, and soccer.

So, when Stephen Colbert asked John Oliver how he felt about Donald Trump, you can probably guess his answer “I couldn’t give less of a shit. It is physically impossible. It’s the 2016 election, and it’s 2015 right now. I don’t care until we’re in the same year of the thing we’re supposed to care about.”

With Ben Carson narrowing the gap between himself and Trump in the polls, Oliver may not have to care about him next year, either.

Meanwhile, Oliver also has an opinion on Trevor Noah. He’s a fan, but “he’s taking on the impossible. You can’t replace the irreplaceable.” Colbert “wouldn’t know what that’s like.”