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Bill Burr Makes Insensitive Jokes About Caitlyn Jenner on 'Conan,' Rain is Wet

By Dustin Rowles | Late Night TV | August 20, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Late Night TV | August 20, 2015 |

Here’s Bill Burr on Conan making some insensitive jokes about Caitlyn Jenner.

Here’s the Internet losing their mind because Bill Burr made some insensitive jokes about Caitlyn Jenner. Said mind losers are also calling out Conan for allowing Bill Burr to say insensitive things on his show.

There are a lot of profane things I could say here, if I were in the comments section, but I do not feel comfortable saying them within a post. I will only say that Bill Burr is a comedian who is known for telling insensitive jokes, which he frames as “telling it like it is.” I believe that Bill Burr is a jackass, but that’s just me telling it like it is. I do not think that Bill Burr would disagree with that assessment. I also don’t think he gives a shit, because he believes he is representing a segment of society which finds insensitive humor funny and shouts down naysayers by calling them too PC. That is a segment of society I like to call “assholes.”

I do not believe that society has necessarily become “too politically correct.” However, I do find that our reaction to political incorrectness can occasionally be unreasonable. This, to me, is the line at which it becomes unreasonable.

And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

via Uproxx