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'How I Met Your Mother's' Mother Suggest that The Series Will Not End with the Mother's Death

By Dustin Rowles | How I Met Your Mother | March 10, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | How I Met Your Mother | March 10, 2014 |

There is certainly the possibility that is bluffing in an interview with THR, but in addressing rumors that How I Met Your Mother will end in the death of her character, Cristin Milioti seemed genuinely put off by the suggestion.

“That’s insane,” says Milioti. “There are some crazy conspiracy theories, which really makes me love the fans more… That is so crazy.”

Calling the finale “beautiful,” she also notes that there weren’t any alternate endings written or filmed in an attempt to maintain secrecy. “They’ve had this vision for nine years, and it’s in great hands,” she says of co-creators Carter Bays and Craig Thomas. “They know exactly what they want to do.”

Granted, she doesn’t outright say that the mother doesn’t die — as the most recent episode strongly seemed to imply — but she does say the idea is “insane” and that the conspiracy theory is “crazy.” There wouldn’t seem to be a lot of other ways to square that last episode with an ending that doesn’t end in her death, but in a series that’s been marred by inconsistency for the last several season, I will give Bays and Thomas this: When it really matters, they pull through. I’m willing to trust, especially given the cast’s reaction to the finale script.