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The Nightmarish Last 24 Hours of the Trump Transition, Summarized

By Dustin Rowles | Horror | December 14, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Horror | December 14, 2016 |

— We learned that Twitter was cut out of a meeting between Donald Trump and the leaders of other tech companies because Twitter refused to provide an emoji version of the hashtag #CrookedHillary during the campaign.

— During that meeting with tech leaders, Donald Trump, Jr. and Eric Trump — who will be taking over Trump’s business affairs after he’s been inaugurated — also sat in on the meeting. In other words, he brought his “blind trust” into the meeting, demonstrating yet another major conflict of interest.

— NBC reported that Vladmir Putin was personally involved in the Russian hacks against the American election.

— The Washington Post reported, based on a secret military investigation, that Trump’s choice for National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, shared classified information with foreign military officers in Afghanistan in 2010. He was investigated, but he was not disciplined. Michael Flynn’s son, Michael Flynn, Jr., called the report FAKE NEWS, despite the fact that WashPo supplied the actual army report.

— CNN reported that Ivanka Trump would take on some of the roles of First Lady, and move into an office in the East Wing of the White House, where the First Lady typically has an office.

— I know what you’re thinking, but Polico foreign policy contributor Julia Ioffe came right out and said it.


Politico fired her “effective immediately,” which was fine. She’d already accepted a job at The Atlantic, which has stated that they will not withdraw the job. Ioffe has since apologized.

— The Wrap reported that the Trump Inauguration team offered ambassadorships to talent managers who could lure A-list talent to play the inauguration.

— A Trump advisor compared the “debate” around climate change to the “debate” around whether the Earth was flat.

— Betsy DeVos, Trump’s choice for Education Secretary, refused to pay $5.3 million in fines levied against her PAC for campaign finance violations. She chose, instead, to shut down the PAC and never pay what it owed to the state of Ohio.

Did I miss anything?