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Steve Bannon Literally Just Compared Himself to Satan

By Vivian Kane | Horror | November 21, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Horror | November 21, 2016 |

It sometimes feels like if Trump and Steve Bannon and all the other evil alt-right monsters out there would just admit that they know how evil they are, it would be some degree of satisfying. As it turns out, it’s not. Not at all.

Over the weekend, The Hollywood Reporter published an interview and profile on Bannon, whom they call “the blackest hole” in “these dark days for Democrats.” The thing is, Bannon full-on embraces that darkness and has some examples to back up his defense of it.

“Darkness is good,” says Bannon, who amid the suits surrounding him at Trump Tower, looks like a graduate student in his T-shirt, open button-down and tatty blue blazer — albeit a 62-year-old graduate student. “Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That’s power.”

Okay, well, it’s more than a little terrifying that our President-elect’s Senior Counselor is openly admiring the power of Darth Vader and literal Satan. But then he takes it a step further.

“It only helps us when they” — I believe by “they” he means liberals and the media, already promoting calls for his ouster — “get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.”

We. What “we’re” doing. In one sentence he grouped together Dick Cheney, Darth Vader, and Satan, and in the next sentence he added his own name to that group.

Bannon knows who he is. He knows he values power at the expense of everything else. And Trump knows that, too. This is who Trump brought on to advise his campaign, and that’s how he won. Because Hillary Clinton wouldn’t have blown up Alderaan, and Trump would. He’s happy to be the Grand Moff Tarkin on Darth’s team. Because what’s more important than winning? Than power? Literally nothing.

Oh, and as an added reminder that Bannon REALLY gets his own brand, he told THR “with relish” that he is the modern Thomas Cromwell. As in the adviser to Henry VIII, the ruler who killed all his wives.

From THR via Celebitchy.