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Oh, You Have Got to Be Sh*tting me

By Dustin Rowles | Horror | November 17, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Horror | November 17, 2016 |

In 2012, Texas’ three-term Governor Rick Perry took an early lead in the Republican primaries, polling well ahead of the eventual GOP nominee, Mitt Romney. However, way back four years ago, when we cared about the intelligence of the leader of the free world, Perry eventually revealed himself to be something of an idiot.

Two moments were most responsible for undoing his campaign: 1) Reports surfaced that his family leased a hunting camp once called “Ni**erhead,” and 2) During a November 2011 GOP Primary debate, Perry said he would eliminate three government agencies. However, he was then unable to name the third agency he planned to eliminate as President.

That agency was the Department of Energy.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Trump administration is now considering Rick Perry for a cabinet position. Which agency?

The Department of Energy.

Perry, by the way, is a climate-change skeptic who believes we have enough fossil fuels to last the planet another 300 years.